Friday, March 20, 2015

Editing Your Second Story

Good morning Grade Fives and Sixes,

This week you will edit you second story. As you are aware, editing is not easy and requires time and thought. Please go through your story several times (scanning it in a methodical way), looking for specific items each time. I have listed the sequence below.

  1.  sentences look like sentences (start with a capital, end with punctuation)
  2. each sentence is one complete thought....unless otherwise intentionally written
  3. known spelling words are correct
  4. names of people and places have start with a capital
  5. sentences begin with a variety of words, not repeated words e.g. Then
  6. there are a variety of sentences e.g. long, short
  7. juice words are add to provide 'sound', 'feeling', 'taste', 'smell', 'emotion' 
  8. check out 'Story Writing Checklist

* one suggestion is to have someone read your story aloud (or use the text-to-speech) to ensure that your story makes sense (has all the needed punctuation)

As before, your story will be edited twice: 1) by you, using your spelling notebook, and 2) by a peer (the same gender is fine). Please copy the following Learning Intention and Criteria in your notebook on the back of your last rough copy page.

Note #1: Expect to take at least 10 minutes for editing shorter stories and 15-20 minutes for longer ones. 

A few more essentials:
  • make all proper nouns bold (choose Home, highlight your word and choose B for bold) e.g. Sinkutview 
  • underline all juicy words added to your story e.g. the gigantic bear 

Learning Intention: I can use my spelling and punctuation skills to accurately edit my story.

Criteria: 1) correct spelling, 2) correct punctuation, 3) juicy words added 4) no sentence begins with repeated words e.g. 'Then', 'And', Also, 'or 'So'

I know this takes hard work. I also know that you have the skills to do it.

Love, Mrs. French


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Writing Your Rough Draft for Story #2

Good morning,

You will not be recording your Learning Intentions and Criteria this week because writing your story is an extension of last week's. However, below is a short list of reminders:

1) When writing your rough draft, do not worry about spelling. This will be addressed next week when you edit your story.

2) Run off just one copy of your rough draft and put it into your notebook just after your brainstorming.

3) Please use a plain font, double spaced, and no less than a size 14 font. If you do not know how to do this, please ask for help.

4) Your story must be no longer than two typed pages. That provides you with plenty of space to thoroughly develop an outstanding story.

This will be the last story you write this year, enjoy the process.

Love, Mrs. French