Monday, April 13, 2015

Literature Circles

Good morning and welcome back!

This week we will begin our LiteratureCircles. We will discuss this in greater detail as a class. Until then, the following is information you need to know (Grade 6s, you are familiar with this unit):

1)     Daily Five: is now built around Literature Circles’ assignments (reading & writing). There is a lot of reading and you are expected to make time for completing it, expect homework!

2)     You will be reading the same book as 4-5 other students

3)     You will meet these students once a week to discuss the novel and your assignments

4)     You are expected to come prepared each week: all pages read and all assignments completed

5)     Some of you, who read a great deal, may choose to be part of two literature circle groups. One of these groups may be as an oral participant only (e.g. no written work required)
This is one of my favorite units. I hope you will enjoy working with your peers.
Love, Mrs. French