Saturday, December 3, 2016

Lab Choices

Good morning,

Over the next two weeks, I will provide you with some alternative activities when you are in the lab. You must do ATRT first and then do spelling if needed, or if you want to. I will let you know when I add more links.

I will begin the list with a link to an online crossword puzzle. If you need help, please ask a grade 6 student. You may do the puzzles alone or with a friend. I hope you enjoy doing the crosswords as much as many students have in the past.


National Geographic Animals

Comic Creator

A-Z Animals


Thursday, November 3, 2016

Staying in Contact

Good morning,

I have never used the Blog in quite this way before, however, I think it may be a useful tool for us to use so that I am able to continue supporting your learning. You are each making wonderful progress in your own way and we both want that to continue. While I may not be in the classroom, I will be just behind the scene. I will be monitoring, marking and planning your English and math. I will help my replacement identify and provide mini-lessons as needed. My replacement will plan your Social Studies and Fine Arts. You may strike it big with the Fine Arts:)

You will continue with the bankbooks and buying time, please hand them in each Friday. We will continue with the Tier 1, so keep track of what you do. Remember, you know the classroom routines, just keep following them:)

I am hoping this is for a short time, however, this could also be a lovely time for both you and your temporary teacher. You are a lovely class to teach and so I know that whoever comes in will thoroughly enjoy the time they spend with you.

If you have any questions or just want to tell me something, you can Post a Comment below. I receive it in my email, no one else sees it. Although I am unable to respond through the Blog, I will happily respond with a note that I will leave on your desk. If it is a private question, I will leave my response in an envelope. :)

Love, Mrs. French

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Virtual Hikes

Good morning Grade Five and Sixes!

At the request of Jessica, some of you may choose to go for a virtual hike today and find hidden plants and animals!


Love, Mrs. French



Saturday, June 4, 2016

Coding Part 2

Good morning,

Today, I would like you to explore the following coding site:


Love, Mrs. French

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Good morning!

Well, it is time for something new:)

You will be exploring coding today. I want you to just open and play. You may need to do a wee bit of problem solving but I was able to 'construct' within a very short time. Enjoy!

Love, Mrs. French

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Into The Book

Good morning,

I would like to introduce you to a website that I would like you to explore, it is called Into the Book. (There is an icon on all of your desktops)

Choose 'Skip Login'

Today, I want you to explore the site. Be sure to explore all of the strategies. You have a complete half hour for this. There is a lot of material to check out.

Now, please find the icon on your desktop and begin exploring.

Love, Mrs. French

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Literature Circles

Good Morning,

Please read about our April, May and June English unit.

 Source: Literature Circles


Learning IntentionI complete all of my work and come prepared to share and discuss ideas

Topic: First Nations

Main Idea: reading novels containing First Nations' characters and content and discussing the content with peers

Task Description: go to Literature Circles to read about the assignment, I will be answering questions when we are all back in class
Enjoy, discussing and arguing about literature with peers can be fun.

Love, Mrs. French

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Poetry: An Exploration

Good Morning,

Please read about our March English unit.
Source: Poetry Webquest online, class books, library books, resources online

Learning IntentionI can recognize and appreciate how different forms, structures, and features of poetry reflect different purposes, audiences, and messages.

Topic: poetry

Main Idea: reading, writing and memorizing different types of poetry


Task Description:


1.    go to this page to see and read many published poems for kids

2.    go to Poetry: An Exploration (please feel free to open up the text-to-speech program, in a separate window, to let you listen to the instructions)

3.     read through the assignment, it is complicated so you will be using our entire Daily Five block (computers and classroom) to complete this assignment.


    Enjoy, this is intended to be a fun assignment.

Love, Mrs. French

Friday, February 12, 2016

Story Setting

Good Morning,

Please read this week's Work on Writing Assignment

Source: your novel

Today, please read the assignment carefully. I will provide you with the Learning Intention and Criteria which you will glue onto the next left-hand side of your Reading Log. You will complete this assignment in the classroom:

You will record notes on your novel’s setting. The setting is the location your story takes place.

Learning Intention: I can identify the setting of my novel and provide examples.

Identify the topic
2) Identify the main idea
3) Identify the setting of your novel 
4) Notes: a brief description, a quote with a page #)
5) Print neatly and accurately (e.g. spelling)

Below the Criteria, write the following headings and then complete the task (remember, this is all completed on the left-hand side of your notebook)


Main Idea:


Task Description:

   1.    Determine the setting of your story (bush, north, farm etc.)

Example: forest

   2.    Find examples that provide details about your setting, record with page #
    -      trees: “Sam walked passed hundreds of tall fir trees.” (pg. 6)
    -      dead leaves: “The path was covered with dead leaves” (pg. 12)
    -      birds: “Sam watched the bird fly among the tree branches” (pg. 56)

   Do not double space your notes. You will need the room.

I look forward to reading about the setting of your novel.

Love, Mrs. French

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Character Traits: paragraph

Good Morning,

Please read this week's Work on Writing Assignment

Source: your notes from last week

Today, please read the assignment carefully. You will read over your character traits from last week. On the right hand side of your notebook, you will write a complete paragraph about the main idea of your notes.

Remember to set up your page the way we always do e.g. date on the left side of the top line, leave 1-2 spaces, print the title (which is the topic of your article) in the middle (capitalized and underlined)

Expectations: You are expected to….

·       write about the Main Idea in your first (topic) sentence

·       write five supporting sentences providing details about the main idea

·       write a concluding sentence

·       write double spaced (ensure that your printing is neat and easy to read)

·       do your housekeeping (check for capitals, period, spelling)

·       edit, with a peer, using an edit sheet

·       staple your edit sheet above your paragraph (be sure not staple more than one page)

I look forward to reading your paragraphs.

Love, Mrs. French

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Getting to Know Your Main Character

 Good Morning,
Please read this week's Work on Writing Assignment
Source: your novel
Today, please read the assignment carefully. I will provide you with the Learning Intention and Criteria which you will glue onto the next left-hand side of your Reading Log (you will not be writing a paragraph this week unless you finish your novel). You will complete the assignment this week in the classroom.

Learning Intention: I can identify my main character’s character traits and provide examples.

Identify the topic
2) Identify the main idea
3) Using Character Traits A-Z, choose five traits
4) For each trait, fine 1 piece of evidence from your novel, record pg.#
5) Print neatly and accurately (e.g. spelling)

Below the Criteria, write the following headings and then complete the task (remember, this is all completed on the left-hand side of your notebook)


Main Idea:

Details (notes, keywords)

Task Description:

1.    Read over the examples of traits (a page is available for you in class)

2.   Scan your novel to find character traits and examples, record with page #


I look forward to reading about your character.

Love, Mrs. French

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Novel Study: Prediction


Source: novel (from my own selection)

Today, please read the assignment carefully. I will provide you with the Learning Intention and Criteria which you will glue onto the left-hand side of your Reading Log. You will complete the assignment this week in the classroom.

Learning Intention: I can identify the genre, make a logical prediction and use text details to predict what a fiction book will be about.

1) Identify the topic or genre (adventure, mystery etc.)
2) Do a careful book walk to make a logical prediction (main idea) about what you think the story is about
3) Record five details supporting my prediction (keyword notes only)
4) Print neatly and accurately (e.g. spelling from the text)

Topic (the genre e.g. adventure):

Main Idea (what you think the story is about):

Details (notes, keywords supporting your prediction):

Task Description

1.     Using a choice sheet, you will choose your top three choices for a novel to read (you will find out which novel later today)

2.    Scan the novel (picture on the cover, chapter titles, back cover, spot reading throughout the book)

3.    Record your prediction information: topic, main idea, and notes explaining your thinking (prediction)
I look forward to reading your predictions.

Love, Mrs. French



Saturday, January 2, 2016

From notes to paragraph............

Topic: Literacy Card

For this week's ‘Work on Writing’ task, you will complete the assignment in the classroom. Read over your notes from the Literacy Card you recorded before Christmas. On the right hand side of your notebook, write a complete paragraph about the main idea of your notes.

Remember to set up your page the way we always do e.g. date on the left side of the top line, leave 1-2 spaces, print the title (which is the topic of your article) in the middle (capitalized and underlined)

Expectations: You are expected to….

·       write the Main Idea in your first sentence (topic sentence)

·       write five supporting sentences providing details about the main idea

·       write a concluding sentence

·       write double spaced

·       do your housekeeping (check for capitals, period, spelling)

·       edit, with a peer, using an edit sheet

·       staple your edit sheet above your paragraph (be sure not staple more than one page)

Please read over the rubric I will be using to assess your paragraph.


Not Yet Meeting
Minimally Meeting
Fully Meeting
Heading Towards
topic sentence
- topic/ main idea  unclear
-  suggests topic/ main idea
- clearly states topic/ main idea
- states topic/ main idea very clear
ideas and information
- copied
- little correct information 
- parts copied
-  some correct information
- correct information in own words
- correct, complete information in own words
supporting details
- few details < 3
- many irrelevant
- few details < 5
- support main ideas
- 5 supporting details
- examples or explanations
-  develops ideas using details ( examples  and explanations)
concluding sentence
- a detail
- copies topic sentence 
-  restates topic sentence  
- restates topic sentence in a memorable way 
- many errors, spelling or conventions
- very difficult to read
- some errors, spelling or conventions
- a bit hard to read
- very few errors, spelling or conventions
- easy to read
- no errors, spelling or conventions
- very easy to read


I look forward to reading your carefully written and edited paragraphs.

Love, Mrs. French