Good morning,
I have never used the Blog in quite this way before, however, I think it may be a useful tool for us to use so that I am able to continue supporting your learning. You are each making wonderful progress in your own way and we both want that to continue. While I may not be in the classroom, I will be just behind the scene. I will be monitoring, marking and planning your English and math. I will help my replacement identify and provide mini-lessons as needed. My replacement will plan your Social Studies and Fine Arts. You may strike it big with the Fine Arts:)
You will continue with the bankbooks and buying time, please hand them in each Friday. We will continue with the Tier 1, so keep track of what you do. Remember, you know the classroom routines, just keep following them:)
I am hoping this is for a short time, however, this could also be a lovely time for both you and your temporary teacher. You are a lovely class to teach and so I know that whoever comes in will thoroughly enjoy the time they spend with you.
If you have any questions or just want to tell me something, you can Post a Comment below. I receive it in my email, no one else sees it. Although I am unable to respond through the Blog, I will happily respond with a note that I will leave on your desk. If it is a private question, I will leave my response in an envelope. :)
Love, Mrs. French