Sunday, January 12, 2014

Human Body: The Learning Highlights

Dear Grade Fives! 

Today: In Science, you are wrapping up your science unit on the human body. In a single and complete paragraph, please tell me at least three of the most interesting things that you have learned.
Tomorrow, you will edit your response, listen to it, and then have a peer edit it as well. Please note that the checklist is a bit longer. You will also be checking that you have used proper paragraph conventions. When you have made all of your corrections, you will copy your blog and post it as usual. You may want to have two windows open side-by-side, one with the blog letter and one being your word document.
Just a reminder that a paragraph contains:
a)  topic (promise) sentence: what you promise to tell the reader about
b) at least three support sentences (at least): specific examples or details about your topic
c)  concluding sentence: where you remind the reader what you promised to tell the reader

Love, Mrs. French


  1. Respiratory System
    The past month I have been learning about the Respiratory System in science. One of the things I learned is that girls have Addams apples too. Another thing I learned is that Alveoli filter the air we breathe and put oxygen into our blood. Also that the lungs, like other organs can float in water because of the high air content. That is three interesting things I learned about the Respiratory System.


  2. The Respiratory system
    In science we have been leaning about the respiratory for a few months now. This week we are wrapping up the respiratory system with presentations for the grade fours. Now I’m going to tell you the cool things I think we’ve learned in science. The first thing is the diaphragm and the ribs are cool. Did you know that girls do not have an extra rib then boys that is a myth. Also the alveoli are air sacks at the end of your bronchial tree. Those are the cool thing’s I’ve learned in science this month.

  3. Repository system
    These are the interesting facts about the repository system. One thing I learned that was interesting about the Repository system is how the epiglottis works. When you breathe in the epiglottis is open. But when you drink or eat, the epiglottis moves and cuts the liquid or food of from the wind pipe. So the food goes down into the stomach. The 2nd interesting thing is how the bronchi and alveoli work. After the oxygen goes threw the trachea it reaches the bronchial trees. The air floes threw the bronchial trees and into the alveoli. In the alveoli the oxygen goes into the blood. Then the carbon dioxide comes out of the blood. The 3rd interesting thing is how the diaphragm works. When you have the hiccups the diaphragm is stressed. When you breathe in the diaphragm stretches. So when you breathe out the diaphragm relaxes so the air goes out. These are the interesting facts about the repository system.

  4. Blog response
    The most interesting things I have learned about the respiratory system are the lungs, epiglottis, and oxygen. Inside the lungs there are bronchial trees. On the end of the bronchial trees are alveoli that look much like grapes. On the right lung there are three lobes the upper lobe, middle lobe, and the lower lobe. On the left lung there are two lobes the upper lobe, and the lower lobe. After the bronchial trees get air the air goes into the capillaries and into the red blood cells. Next the epiglottis. The epiglottis is a small flap of tissue that stops food and water from going into the lungs. The epiglottis opens when you breathe air. If you eat and choke it’s because the epiglottis doesn’t close in time. When you breathe in oxygen its goes through your mouth and nose. Lets say you take a breathe of air through your mouth and your nose the air meets up in the back of the trough. Next the air goes down to the Adams apple (voice box). And goes down your trachea and splits into two branches and into you lungs. Then the oxygen (air) goes into your alveoli and into your red blood cells and takes a U turn and come back out. The most interesting things I have learned about the repository system are the lungs, epiglottis, and oxygen.

  5. The respiratory system.
    Hello I am going to tell you what I think is cool in the respiratory system. The epiglottis is like a peace of tissue in your throat that opens when you breathe in air and closes when you eat food and drink water. If you have some extra water in your blood cells the blood will pick the extra water up and that is why when you breathe on a window or mirror you see some fog on the mirror/window. The alveoli look like grapes and store the air you breathe in the alveoli is on the end of the bronchial tree. The respiratory system is the system in your body that helps you breathe.

  6. The Respiratory System
    I learned lots of things about the Respiratory System. My first important thing that I learned is about the Trachea, the Trachea is also called windpipe it carries the air (oxygen) through the Adams Apple (voice box), and then it splits up into two tubes and then it goes to two lungs. The Other part that is very important to me is the lungs; we would die if we don’t have any lungs the, lungs are not similar to each other, the right lung has three lobes and the left has two lubes. Also the alveoli makes the air into red blood cells and transfers the oxygen to the body . This is what I learned about the respiratory system.

  7. Human Body

    I am writing about the human body .One of the cool things about the human body is the diaghram it lets you breathe and it is the floor of the respitory system. A nother cool thing is alveoli it turns oxygen into red blood cells. Trachea is another cool one it splits of into your bronchial trees. These are the cool things I learnt about the human body.

  8. Human body
    My favourite three things in the body are the lungs, trachea, and epiglottis. The epiglottis open’s when air comes through and when food comes it closes. At the top of the trachea is the Adam’s apple. The trachea split in to tubes. In side your lungs look like a bronchial tree. At the end of the bronchial tree is alveoli. The alveoli are like are like air sages. My favourite parts are the trachea the lungs and the epiglottis.

  9. Human Body
    This is what I learned about the respiratory system. I learned about how the respiratory system and how it works. I also learned about stuff that I never herd of before. I learned about the bronchial tree and how it puts oxygen in the blood and carbon dioxide out. At the end of the bronchioles there are little air sacs called alveoli. I learned about the diaphragm. The diaphragm lets oxygen in and push’s carbon dioxide out. This is what I learned about the respiratory system.

  10. The respiratory system
    These are three interesting facts that I learned in science. I learned that we have over six hundred thousand avioli.I also learned that the left lung has two lobes and the right lung has three lobes. Lobes are the things that separate the parts of the lungs. Above your trachea is a little flap of tissue called “epiglottis” the epiglottis is really cool, it opens and closes depends if you are eating or breathing. I think the respiratory system is very cool.

  11. Human Body
    I will be talking about the human body. One thing that is interesting to me is the alveoli, it’s job is to take oxygen and turn it into little red blood cells. Another is the trachea, the job of the trachea is to take oxygen to the lungs and take the carbon dioxide up the trachea and out the mouth or the nose. One more is the Adams apple, otherwise known as the voice box it allows you to make your voice really high or make your voice really low. Those are the few things that interest me about the human body.

  12. Respiratory System

    For the semester I have been learning about the respiratory system. One of the things that really stood out to me was the alveoli. The alveoli are little air sacs that take in the oxygen and puss out carbon dioxide. The alveoli are at the ends of the bronchial tree. The alveoli are like a bubble shapes they are very delicate so when you smoke they pop and spread apart. Did you know a average adult has six hundred million alveoli in there lungs. The either thing that stood out to me was the trachea. The trachea is a wind pipe in your throat. The trachea Is below the Adams apple. The trachea is also by the epiglottis. The trachea is a path way to your lungs and to your stomach. These are the most interesting things I think about the respiratory system. THANKS FOR READING

  13. The respiratory system

    These are some of the things we have learnt in science. In are lungs we have little alveoli they take the oxygen in and terns the oxygen in to red blood sills. The ribs are the wall of the lungs trachea and other parts of the body. The trachea is the air tube to your lungs so you do not die. These are some of the things we have learnt in science.

  14. The respiratory system
    I have learned about many things that I did not know so I am going to tell you about a few of them. I learned about the alveoli. The alveoli’s job is to holed air and sort the air. I also learned about the diaphragm, its job is to holed ever thing up and expand the rib cage when you breath in. We learned about the oxygen, its purpose is to give energy to the mussels and keep you alive. And those are my favourite thing that we learned in since.

  15. Blog response
    My three favourite things that I learned about the respitory system were the bronchial trees, alveoli and the epiglottis. Here is some information about my favourite respitory system parts. The epiglottis is a flap above the Addams apple that the food goes down. We have two paths in our body, one leads to the lungs and the other to the stomach. The epiglottis is slanted and always open but when the food comes it quickly closes, and as most people know sometimes we cough because we choke, that is because the epiglottis doesn’t close in time. The epiglottis is slanted witch tilts food into the stomach, but if the epiglottis doesn’t close in time it goes into the lungs. Now I am going to talk about the alveoli and the bronchiole trees, bronchiole trees are in your lungs that look like upside down trees, the alveoli is an air pocket at the end of the trees that the are does turn it so we can breath out. My three favourite things that I learned about the respitory system were the bronchial trees, the alveoli and the epiglottis.

  16. Jan, 14, 2014 Human body

    There are three most interesting thing’s in the human body. The first thing is the trachea and the oxygen in your body. The second thing is that your left lung has to lodes and your right lung has three lodes. Also the third thing in the human body is that when you breathe in it is called oxygen and when you breathe out it is called carbine dioxide. There are three most interesting thing in the human body.

  17. Human body
    there is a few things I like about the respitory system
    My favourite thing I learned about the human body is the epiglottis. Also the lungs. I like the epiglottis because it’s an awesome flap in your throat. When you eat the epiglottis stays closed an when you breath it opens. I like the lungs because it holds the bronchial tree alveoli. My favourite thing about the respitory system is the epiglottis and the lungs.

  18. Human Body these are some interesting stuff I learned in since. The throat is called the trachea it is the thing you breathe in and out with and if we didn’t have it we would not survive. And the things in your lungs they are called the alveoli and also in side of your lungs is a thing called the bronchial tree there like an upside down tree. And also in side of your lungs there a thing called the alveoli. Human body these are some interesting stuff I learned in since.

  19. Human body
    These are the cool things I learn about the human body. My favourite thing I learn about the human body is the epiglottis. Also the lungs also the alveoli. I like the epiglottis because it’s an awesome flap in your throat. When you eat the epiglottis stays close an when you breath in it open. I like the lungs because it holds the bronchial tree alveoli. I like the alveoli because it’s a bunch of sacs on the bronchial tree.

  20. The repertory system
    Here are three intrusting things that I enjoy about the respiratory system. The broche tree because they look like an up side down trees. The lungs are also my favourite, because the right lung has 3 lobes and the left lung has 2 lobes. The diaphragm is another favourite because it acts like a floor for the whole upper body. Those are three interesting things that I liked about the respiratory system.

  21. Resptory system
    These are some interesting fax about Resptory system. there is a voice box in your throat that makes your voice box rely high and vary low. The trachea is your Adams apple. we also have a upper lob and a lower lob in are lungs. We have ribs that is what we call are walls and we call the diaphragm is the floor for are body. These are some interesting fax about the resptory
    Thanks for reading
